© Source: EA Sports

FIFA21 Pro Club – best build goalkeeper


Stephan Murphy

FIFA 21 Pro Club
In the ninth part we explain how to build the perfect goalkeeper for the mode.

Coach Mike Labelle

Multinational FIFA Champion


In the eighth part of our FIFA21 Pro Clubs series we showed you how to build the perfect central defender in a three player backline defence or the perfect central defender in a four player backline defence for the mode. In the ninth part we explain how to build the perfect goalkeeper for the mode.

In our FIFA21 Pro Club series we have already dealt with strikers, midfielders and defenders. But probably the most important position is still missing. The goalkeeper. Just like on the real pitch, the team in FIFA21 Pro Club is only as good as its keeper. If you concede a goal every time you shoot, you can hardly win games. That's why it's extremely important that your goalkeeper has the right attributes and skill points.

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Since FIFA18 the goalkeepers don't have an own role in contrast to the field players. That's why you only have to choose the position goalkeeper. For strong attributes you build a human beanstalk. At a height of 6,4 feet the perfect goalkeeper weighs just 149 lbs. For comparison, the multiple world goalkeeper Manuel Neuer weighs about 53 lbs more at about the same height. In FIFA21 Pro Club he would be much too heavy.

Skill points distribution

At the beginning you should invest all your skill points in the goalkeeper game. Especially important for a goalkeeper are his reflexes, so you process the first 15 skill points completely in the left skill tree, going over goalkeeper reflexes and focus. As soon as your keeper has collected a few levels, you can complete the tree and devote yourself to the right side of the goalkeeper game. However, after 36 skill points, that's it. That's all you need to completely upgrade the Goalkeeping section.

After that, your focus should be on the speed tab and the jumping power, which you can find under the body tab. Here you can distribute the other skill points evenly. If all of the above areas are developed accordingly, the only thing standing in your way is the passing game. With a few skill points for passing, the passes will also reach your teammates.

On the other hand, you can easily do without good values for the weak foot or the skill stars. Of course, the player who handles the goalkeeper is the most important factor in your FIFA21 Pro Club Team. But with our guide, passionate goalkeepers are well prepared.

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